Bangladesh Bank

Result of the Auction of REPO, Liquidity Support Facility, Standing Lending Facility and IBLF held on 12 December, 2023

Date: 13 December, 2023
Serial: 05/2023- 540

The auction of Bangladesh Bank repo, liquidity support facility, standing lending facility for the commercial banks and financial institutions and Islamic Banks Liquidity Facility (IBLF) for shari’ah based banks was held on Tuesday, 12 December 2023. In that auction, 01 bank submitted 01 bid amounting to Taka 52.18 crore for 01 day tenor repo facility, 21 banks and 03 financial institutions submitted 94 bids amounting to Taka 10,443.99 crore for 07 days tenor repo facility, 11 PD banks submitted 54 bids amounting to taka 5,236.35 crore for 01 day tenor liquidity support facility, 01 bank submitted 01 bid amounting to Taka 195.00 crore for 01 day tenor standing lending facility and 02 banks submitted 02 bids amounting to Taka 137.00 crore for 14 days tenor Islamic Banks liquidity facility. All bids were accepted by the auction committee. Accordingly, a total amount of Taka 16,064.52 crore was provided under repo, liquidity support facility, standing lending facility and IBLF. The interest rates of the above-mentioned 01 day & 07 days tenor repo, liquidity support facility and standing lending facility were 7.75, 7.85, 7.75 and 9.75 percent per annum, respectively and the range of Expected Profit Rate (EPR) for 14 days tenor Islamic Banks Liquidity Facility was 6.33-8.00 percent.