Results of the Auction of 91-Day, 182-Day & 364-Day Treasury Bills held on 28 January 2024
Auction No. 36/2023-24 of 91-Day, 182-Day and 364-Day Treasury Bills (T.Bills) was held on Sunday, 28 January 2024. Of which, 222 bids amounting to Taka 9,429.95 crore were offered against the pre-targeted amount of Taka 3,500.00 crore for 91-Day T.Bill, 49 bids amounting to Taka 2125.97 crore were offered against the pre-targeted amount of Taka 1,800.00 crore for 182-Day T.Bill and 84 bids amounting to Taka 3657.12 crore were offered against the pre-targeted amount of Taka 2,000.00 crore for 364-Day T.Bill. Of those, 152 bids were accepted amounting to Taka 4214.15 crore for 91-Day T.Bill, 23 bids were accepted amounting to Taka 436.97 crore for 182-Day T.Bill and 47 bids were accepted amounting to Taka 1514.08 crore for 364-Day T.Bill by the auction committee, respectively. The ranges of the implicit yields of the accepted bids were 11.25-11.35, 11.35-11.40 and 11.50-11.60 percent per annum, respectively.